Wednesday 24 October 2012

Malnutrition In Mali... As The World Celebrated World Food Day

The world food day has come and pass but the problem is still there. on Cnn, I watched a documentary on the world food day and you know this Oyinbo people like the spotlight on Africa but this one is really disturbing. country in Focus is Mali. A doctor by the name Dr. Oumar was seen checks on patients in a health clinic located in the densely populated Kati district, near the Malian capital of Bamako. He kneels in front of Jabadjie, a ghost of a child whose loose skin sags over a skeletal frame. She is 16 months old and weighs only a little over nine pounds. In addition to being severely malnourished, Jabadjie is suffering from pneumonia and anemia that have ravaged her weakened immune system.
Jabadjie was rushed to the clinic after she was found by IRC volunteers who travel throughout Kati district to identify malnourished children and inform villagers about the help available at the health clinic.
“If she had stayed in the village, she would have died for sure,” Dr. Oumar says.
He instructs Jabadjie’s mother, who has come to the clinic with her daughter, on how to feed the girl nutritionally fortified peanut paste.
Although malnutrition is not unknown in Mali - in the past decade, the country has faced three droughts which all led to major food shortages - this year the country has struggled to cope with a prolonged drought and food crisis that is affecting large areas of the Sahel region of West Africa. The crisis has been made worse by a spreading internal conflict.
God please help Mali and also Nigeria

Source: CNN

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